Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

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  • Equal employment opportunities and livelihoods for Bosnians, Serbs and Croats affected by the explosion of landmines - "FRUIT not MINES

Equal employment opportunities and livelihoods for Bosnians, Serbs and Croats affected by the explosion of landmines - "FRUIT not MINES

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Bosnia and Herzegovina
Implementing Organization
Implementing Organization Code Donor country-based NGO
Geo Location
Start of Commitment 2010-12-20
End of Commitment 2013-04-05
Currency EUR
Status OECD approved


Provide employment opportunities and increase the capacity of disabled people after mine accident in order to contribute to the process of self-employment in organic agricultural production, and thereby contribute to increasing their quality of life and sustainable economic growth at the local level; to increase the integration and mutual understanding between the three ethnic groups - Bosnians , Serbs and Croats; allow at least 15 people injured in the mine accident , as well as their families, to improve their economic situation and increase their income; increase the production of dried fruit and vegetables in accordance with European standards in selected regions - Gradačac, Lopare and Orašje.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2013 20 702 € 22 232 €
Total 20 702 € 22 232 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Employment creation 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Equal employment opportunities and livelihoods for Bosnians, Serbs and Croats affected by the explosion of landmines - "FRUIT not MINES project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Equal employment opportunities and livelihoods for Bosnians, Serbs and Croats affected by the explosion of landmines - "FRUIT not MINES 22 232 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio