Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

Volunteer 1 for the Kibeho Anti-Nutrition Center

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Rwanda
Implementing Organization Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety
Implementing Organization Code Donor country-based NGO
Geo Location Republic of Rwanda, RW
  Longitude 30.0
  Latitude -2.0
Start of Commitment 2020-10-14
End of Commitment 2022-08-31
Currency EUR
Status OECD approved


The project aims to support local capacity building, there are not enough experts and social workers in the area, and volunteer activities in collaboration with the expert will lead to local experts training. Detailed description of volunteer activities: The first two months of adaptation to the environment. For the next two months the volunteer will work more independently and will also participate in the individual logistics activities of the project. - Participation in the administration and implementation of the activities of the Malibuild Center in Kibeho - Participation in the implementation of nutritional activities according to WHO parameters (search, inclusion in a comprehensive rehabilitation program, child monitoring, provision of therapeutic milk as well as other forms of nutrition: eg porridge, biscuits). - participation in providing basic methods and techniques of field social work with mothers of malnourished children - Participation in providing nutritional, professional and educational and health counseling - Implementation of new types of livelihood strategies to build basic habits leading to the financial autonomy of mothers of malnourished children. It is education in activities such as (sewing, stitching, soap, candle making, production of traditional types of refreshments, breeding of small pets and products). Practical training is followed by support in the form of a micro-loan, respectively. material aid to start their own “business”. The volunteer will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of other non-governmental organizations in Rwanda, focusing on social and health activities, to exchange experiences from each activity. The volunteer will participate in education and consultation for local social workers and logists through the transfer of knowledge and skills. Its activities will contribute to establishing long-term partnerships between organizations and communities and building institutional relations between Slovak entities. Activities will strengthen solidarity and provide innovative responses to emerging social challenges. The volunteer will participate in regular staff meetings, where he will participate in the analysis of individual activities and suggest possible improvements. The volunteer will carry out his activities in coordination with a social worker from Slovakia, who operates in Rwanda. The main goal of the activities of a Slovak volunteer is to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in implementing specific project activities in a developing country.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2020 9 800 € 0 €
2021 0 € 7 840 €
2022 0 € 1 960 €
Total 9 800 € 9 800 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Basic health care 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Volunteer 1 for the Kibeho Anti-Nutrition Center project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Volunteer 1 for the Kibeho Anti-Nutrition Center 9 800 €
Other filtered aid 1 040 712 182 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio