Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

Volunteer for Nairobi

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Kenya
Implementing Organization Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety
Implementing Organization Code Donor country-based NGO
Geo Location Nairobi, KE
  Longitude 36.81667
  Latitude -1.28333
Start of Commitment 2021-11-22
End of Commitment 2022-10-25
Currency EUR
Status OECD approved


Main objective of the project: Promoter in collaboration St. Kizito Boys Training Centre Utawala is running in the capital of Kenya, rehabilitation program for street children Volunteer activities will focus on this center. The Rehabilitation Center has been operating in Nairobi since 2008 and is supported financially and logistically by the promoter. The Kizito project in Nairobi specializes in rehabilitation of street children and their subsequent integration into society. It carries out school and extracurricular activities for children. Furthermore, in the activities in Nairobi, the promoter supports 2 anti-nutritional centers, the HIV center The project provides an ideal environment for volunteering and creates sufficient conditions for this. The activities of the volunteer will be carried out under the supervision of an experienced employee of the University of St. Elizabeth. The new volunteer will be able to build on the activities undertaken by previous volunteers. The project also aims to support local capacity building, there are not enough experts and social workers in the area, and volunteer activities in cooperation with the expert will lead to the training of local experts. The project also aims to promote intercultural dialogue, foster solidarity and understanding between nations and long-term partnerships between organizations and communities in Kenya. The stay of the volunteer will be part of the preparation for work in the area of development cooperation Detailed description of volunteer activities: The first two months of adaptation to the environment. For the next two months the volunteer will work more independently and will also participate in the individual logistics activities of the project. The volunteer will become acquainted with and will participate in providing logistic and organizational services of the Slovak logistics center, which includes the provision and coordination of individual activities. Furthermore, the volunteer will participate in work with street children in rehabilitation centers for street children, where they will become acquainted with and participate in the principles of re-socialization. He / she will become acquainted with the activities in the petitioner's anti-malnutrition centers in Nairobi and will participate in their management. He will participate in education aimed at preventing the spread of infectious diseases with an emphasis on the current pandemic caused by the Covid 19 virus. The volunteer will gain experience in local fundraising. Volunteering will be part of the promotion of Slovak Development Assistance in Kenya by meeting with foreign and local organizations operating in Kenya and getting potential partnerships. The volunteer will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of other non-governmental organizations in Kenya focused on social and health activities to exchange experiences from individual activities. The volunteer will participate in education and consultation for local social workers and logists through the transfer of knowledge and skills. Its activities will contribute to establishing long-term partnerships between organizations and communities and building institutional relations between Slovak entities. Activities will strengthen solidarity and provide innovative responses to emerging social challenges. The volunteer will participate in regular staff meetings, where he will participate in the analysis of individual activities and suggest possible improvements. The volunteer will carry out his activities in coordination with a social worker from Slovakia who works in Kenya. The main goal of the activities of a Slovak volunteer is to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in implementing specific project activities in a developing country. An important aspect is that the volunteer will operate in a multi-cultural space. The volunteer will update photos and information about children - remote adoption and project, which will be used to promote Slovak development aid. Volunteer stay will be profiled for participation: Project logistics, training of local social workers, multiculturalism, establishing long-term partnerships between communities, communication with local authorities, planning activities in one year An important part of the project will also be the post-return activities, where the volunteer will present to the Slovak public their experience in Kenya and the SLOVAK-AID volunteer program and participate in global education. It will participate in raising awareness and supporting the Slovak public in favor of development cooperation and humanitarian aid through the involvement of volunteers.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2021 9 800 € 7 840 €
2022 0 € 394 €
Total 9 800 € 8 234 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Health education 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Volunteer for Nairobi project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Volunteer for Nairobi 8 234 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio