Aid Details

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  • Extension of the St. Philip Elementary School into a Junior High School - phase 3

Extension of the St. Philip Elementary School into a Junior High School - phase 3

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Kenya
Implementing Organization Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety
Implementing Organization Code University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank
Geo Location Republic of Kenya, KE
  Longitude 38.0
  Latitude 1.0
Start of Commitment 2021-08-04
End of Commitment 2023-06-30
Currency EUR
Status OECD reported


The project proposal aims to improve education process in Kenya in response to the ongoing extensive educational reform in the country. The aim of the project is to increase the amount of young people with quality primary and secondary education – by introducing quality education in agricultural and environmental studies as well as by advancing and completing the construction of a junior high school. The project is designed for 540 pupils of the St. Philip Neri Elementary School who currently do not have any access to agricultural or environmental studies and who also have very limited access to secondary education. If approved and implemented, the project expects launch of secondary school courses for 80 students. As a result, their know-how and skills will be vastly improved which will result in their higher future competitiveness at the labor market (or in case of further university education). Result 1: An elementary school providing quality education including practical and innovative courses of agricultural and environmental studies. A school field with irrigation system will be created to provide ideal opportunities for practical education for 540 students. Courses for grades 1-3 will combine environmental consciousness with agricultural activity. Grades 4-6 will be provided a more detailed overview and practical skills in crops farming. Result 2: Provision of quality and modern secondary education – Junior High School for the elementary school pupils. Local partner will oversee the construction of 4 classes within the elementary school campus designed for the Junior High School. A combination of an elementary school and a junior high school is a necessary precondition based on the recently approved complex educational reform in Kenya. 80 students (40 girls and 40 boys), including at least 10 handicapped students, are expected to enroll in the first year of this inclusive junior high school. The following activities will take place to achieve the planned results: • Foundation of a school field with irrigation system for agricultural and enviromnental studies as well as purchase of necessary equipment for practical education • Recruitment of 2 teachers – one each for agricultural studies and environmental studies • Elaboration of syllabi for agricultural and environmental studies • Innovative courses of sustainable agricultural studies and environmental studies for 540 pupils of the elementary school • Selection process of a construction company for the Junior High School construction • Construction of the Junior High School • Equipment of 4 new classrooms within the Junior High School • Recruitment and selection of the Junior High School teachers • Launch and subsequent provision of educational process for 80 students in the Junior High School Project implementation includes several cross-cutting topics. Project is strongly dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all students and at least 50% of the enrolled students will be girls. Furthermore, 10 students with special needs (physically handicapped) are expected to enroll in the first year as well. Environmental protection will be ensured through courses on environmental studies (including trash recycling) and sustainable agricultural studies. Project implementation will ultimately lead to a vastly improved opportunities of the graduates at the labor market and will create significant long-term value for the hundreds of pupils from the local communities. Local partner will take complete control of the project after its duration to ensure long-term sustainability. Ranked among the top 100 schools in Kenya, local partner has all the necessary predispositions for a successful implementation of the project. The project proposal is fully in line with the: • SAMRS/2021/KE call for projects aimed at supporting sustainable and just social and economic development of the Republic of Kenya • Sectoral priority – Quality Education • Two crucial cross-cutting topics – equal opportunities and environmental protection

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2021 200 000 € 120 000 €
2022 0 € 60 000 €
2023 0 € 19 788 €
Total 200 000 € 199 788 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Lower secondary education 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Extension of the St. Philip Elementary School into a Junior High School - phase 3 project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Extension of the St. Philip Elementary School into a Junior High School - phase 3 199 788 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio