

The fundamental goals include developing the human potential of partner countries, particularly through supporting education and employment; and promoting democracy and good governance via building civil society and state institutions.

Official statistics submitted to the OECD indicate a total volume of 64,8 million EUR in 2013. The share of bilateral and multilateral ODA, respectively, was 19% and 81% last year.

Only developing countries that are on the regularly updated DAC List of ODA Recipients are eligible for ODA. The list can be found here.

Territorial priorities for Slovak development assistance are defined in the strategic and conceptual documents guiding the country’s development policy. According to the “Medium-Term Strategy for Development Cooperation for 2014 – 2018”, there are ten priority countries. The selection is based on the following factors: foreign policy priorities, Slovakia’s previous experience and specialized assets – such as the “transition know-how” – in development cooperation, geographical ties and demand in beneficiary countries.

SlovakAid refers to the entirety of Slovakia’s ODA activities, financed or co-financed from the state budget. It is also depicted as a logo, used to label programmes and projects to identify them as Slovak ODA.

Slovakia makes voluntary or compulsory contributions designated as ODA to 48 international organisations and financial institutions listed by OECD DAC as eligible. Find more information here.

In 2003, the Slovak Republic was removed from the DAC list of eligible ODA recipients along with the rest of the EU candidate countries. After EU accession in 2004, the country started contributing to the shared EU budget for development cooperation. In 2008, the Slovak Republic officially graduated from the World Bank’s operations due to favourable macroeconomic developments, thus completing its official transition from recipient to donor.

Slovakia abides by the principles of aid effectiveness defined in the Paris Declaration (2005), and confirmed by the Accra Agenda for Action (2008), the Busan Outcome Document (2011) and the Mexico High Level Meeting Communiqué (2014). In order to keep improving both the quality and impact of its development cooperation, Slovakia applies the principle of Policy Coherence for Development.

The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is one of the working bodies of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The DAC serves as a forum for policy coordination for the world’s leading donors, defines standards and rules in key areas of development cooperation and fosters the exchange of knowledge and experience. The DAC also sets the standards for ODA eligibility and assembles statistics on aid flows worldwide. The DAC has 29 members. Slovakia became a full member only recently, in September 2013. One of the obligations stemming from full membership is regular biannual reporting of statistical data on aid flows. The DAC feeds them into its complex database of comparable statistics, used to monitor the members’ commitments and achievements in the field of development cooperation.

The ratio is an international standard representing the share of government’s ODA expenditure pitted against the total income of the country. This indicator reflects the donor’s commitment to addressing global development challenges. All responsible members of the international community strive to reach the target ODA/GNI ratio of 0.7%, approved by UN member states in 1970. EU member states have pledged to meet the target by 2015. A lower target of 0.33% has been set for member states which joined the EU in 2004, due to their later graduation to the donor community. Slovakia has maintained the same ODA/GNI ratio of 0,09% since 2009. Several other new member states are in a similar position, mainly due to their attempts to consolidate the public finances, which essentially bars increases in ODA budgets

OECD DAC has designed the CRS++ creditor reporting system to establish clear and detailed rules of statistical reporting and make aid flows more transparent and comparable across countries. CRS++ consists of unique codes for distinct development cooperation activities, including ODA, Other Official Flows and Private Flows. The OECD DAC Statistical Directives were approved by the DAC Working Party on Development Finance Statistics (WP-STAT), which convenes twice a year in Paris.