Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

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  • A good quality health care with an emphasis on mothers and children in the Masol area

A good quality health care with an emphasis on mothers and children in the Masol area

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Kenya
Implementing Organization Dvojfarebný svet
Geo Location Republic of Kenya, KE
  Longitude 38.0
  Latitude 1.0
Start of Commitment 2021-08-04
End of Commitment 2023-09-30
Currency EUR
Status OECD reported


The main reason of establishing Dr. David Roden Tikit Mission Health Centre is that until now people from remote areas of the savannah had to travel four days on foot for getting healthcare. The severely ill did not survive the journey and the slightly ill preferred to be treated at home. The centre has been operating since October 2019 and is a rescue centre for patients, but due to the lack of resources, it provides only very basic healthcare without any devices and equipment. The main goal of the project is to improve the health of the population in the Masol area with an emphasis on mothers and children. We specifically want to • Reduce dramatic maternal and neonatal mortality rates in the region (from the current 20% to 5%) • Increase the number of cured patients to 6,600 • Work systematically with the community and folk exciters (people performing female genital mutilation (FGM)) to understand the risks and consequences of FGM and offer them an alternative (450 trained community members) PROBLEM 1: Insufficient quality of health care Solution: 1. reconstruction of existing premises and establishment of missing departments of the centre, purchase of instruments and equipment 2. employment of a laboratory assistant and anaesthesiology nurse 3. supplying the hospital with medical materials and medicines 4. Outreach program _diagnostics and treatment of patients in remote areas 5. Safe childbirth program_ distribution of childbirth sets 6. Provision of neonatal packages (equipment for new-borns) for women giving birth in the hospital. 7. eco program for the hospital incinerator, collection of rainwater, solar system, prevention of soil erosion in the hospital area -planting 100 trees. Result 1: Providing improved environmentally sustainable healthcare for all people, including men and the disabled, with an emphasis on women and children (6,600 patients) PROBLEM 2: Poor medical equipment and staff training. The healthcare staff in the area is not sufficient and has only a basic compulsory education. Low position of dispensary in the hierarchy of the Kenyan health system. Solution: • training of medical and non-medical staff • Reprofiling a dispensary facility to a medical center Result 2: Building the institutional and personnel capacities of the health center PROBLEM 3: Violations of Human rights, female genital mutilation (FGM) and inaccessibility of health care for women. 97 percent of women undergo forced FGM, which results, among other things, in the death of one in four women during delivery. Solution: • Community action plan to stop FGM • Empowering women by educating 400 community members • Program to stop FGM for traditional excisers and folk midwives • Stop home birth program for first-time mothers. Result 3: Protection of women's human rights, program to eliminate FGM 1. Gender equality: this is the main theme of our project, which reflects the main goal, the specific goal and to which a large part of the project activities are directly linked. (create a safe birth program - train local midwives and provide them with a sterile delivery set; create a community action plan to stop female circumcision, educate 400 community members about the risks and alternatives of FGM, train 50 exciters and circumcision health workers and find alternative revenue sources for them stop domestic births, especially of first-time mothers) 2. Environmental protection and climate change prevention. Our project is ecologically focused and does not pose any risk to climate change or any damage to the environment. It only works from natural sources. By expanding the project and providing healthcare to a larger number of people, the demand for natural resources will increase, so the following activities will be needed: eco program for the hospital incinerator, collection of rainwater, solar system, prevention of soil erosion in the hospital area -planting 100 trees Our project is B category, does not pose any serious risk to the environment or health and represents an opportunity to prevent soil erosion on the site of a medical facility. The submitted project has strong support from local partners and the community (see supporting letters) and a strong element of sustainability (meeting the conditions for reprofiling the dispensary facility will provide the clinic with more resources from state resources - NHIF).

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2021 200 000 € 100 000 €
2022 0 € 80 000 €
2023 0 € 20 000 €
Total 200 000 € 200 000 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Reproductive health care 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the A good quality health care with an emphasis on mothers and children in the Masol area project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
A good quality health care with an emphasis on mothers and children in the Masol area 200 000 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio