Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

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  • Talent Incubator: Digital training for women and IT professionals in Moldova

Talent Incubator: Digital training for women and IT professionals in Moldova

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Moldova
Implementing Organization EMA – Development and Mobility Agency
Implementing Organization Code Donor country-based NGO
Geo Location Republic of Moldova, MD
  Longitude 28.58333
  Latitude 47.25
Start of Commitment 2022-08-19
End of Commitment 2023-12-31
Currency EUR
Status OECD reported


The Moldovan ICT sector, with its high share of the national GDP - 10% in 2021, was declared by the Moldovan government as a priority sector for the country's economic development. The biggest challenge the sector faces is the lack of skilled labour to meet the market needs, which creates a strong opportunity to attract more women for a career in ICT, as their representation in qualified IT positions is still low. In this context, the project supports the long-term ICT market development, strengthens public-private relationships and shares the Slovak experience in 3 regions - Chisinau, Gagauz and Baltic to systematically improve the socio-economic status of students, women and the general public (with regard to the Ukrainian female refugees). Through ‘The Cyber Security Academy’ programme and ESET internships, the project will support 30 students (m/w) of the Technical University of Moldova. 100 people (m/w) in Chisinau and 100 women in rural areas will benefit from the "Talent Incubator" - career mentoring and intensive ICT courses focused on social media, management, software testing or graphic / web design. The issue of gender equality will be further addressed through the refurbishment of 2 women's hubs, networking workshops and the international conference ‘Women in Tech’ (2900 participants). Lastly, the project will create/maintain employment through the provision of 6 micro grants for women-run businesses. The project comprehensively addresses the development of ICT capacities in Moldova, the causes of gender inequalities, links Chisinau with the rural areas and contributes to creating jobs for women.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2022 186 250 € 93 125 €
2023 0 € 74 500 €
Total 186 250 € 167 625 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Information and communication technology (ICT) 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Talent Incubator: Digital training for women and IT professionals in Moldova project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Talent Incubator: Digital training for women and IT professionals in Moldova 167 625 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio