Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

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  • Digitalization of primary and secondary schools and improving digital skills of teachers in Machakos County

Digitalization of primary and secondary schools and improving digital skills of teachers in Machakos County

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Kenya
Implementing Organization Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety
Implementing Organization Code University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank
Geo Location Republic of Kenya, KE
  Longitude 38.0
  Latitude 1.0
Start of Commitment 2022-09-12
End of Commitment 2024-09-30
Currency EUR
Status OECD reported


The aim of the projekt is to decrease the unemployment of youth by improving access to quality education and practical skills. The project will create conditions for digitalized learning process as well as a quality vocational education at the St. Philip Neri School with regards to the current education reform in Kenya. The target group is 1,200 pupils of the school who will eventually benefit from their increased competencies and subsequent competitiveness at the labor market. Project implementation will create conditions for the establishment of a fully-fledged reference boarding school in line with the current education reform in Kenya which, among others, integrates selected primary and secondary schools into one complex institution. In addition, 6,500 teachers in Machakos County will be educated in digital skills as well as the new competency-based-curriculum (CBC). Furthermore, 250 students of Ngalalya High School will finally have proper access to IT courses. The following results are expected to be achieved: Result 1: Teaching and Training Center for digitalization. Local partner is ready to gradually incorporate the new education reform though the learning process digitalization. The planned result will be achieved by the construction and equipment of the Teaching and Training Center with a total area of 562.8 m2. It will be an extension of the first floor of an existing ground floor building. The Center will be equipped with proper IT equipment and didactic technology as well as furniture, books and will be run thanks to solar panels. Result 2: St. Philip Neri School providing quality and modern digitalized primary and secondary education. This result will be achieved by completing the missing infrastructure, purchasing the missing equipment for the school and the implementation of modern curriculum in line with the new school reform. To complete the missing infrastructure, new sanitary facilities will be built, the Agricultural Training Center with a new well and a water tower will be completed, and a sports complex will be built. Proper digital technologies will be provided. 1,200 primary school pupils will be educated in robotics and programming. Result 3: Increased inclusion of disadvantaged groups of students. This result will be achieved by supporting three groups of disadvantaged students. These will include the activities of the STEM school girls' club for 100 girls, the admission of 75 children with physical disabilities to study and the offer of 250 scholarships for children from marginalized socially disadvantaged backgrounds to study at St. Philip Neri School. Result 4: Machakos Regional School Authority and teachers ready for school reform This result will be achieved by creating conditions for teacher education. A what was originally a large storage room of the Machakos Regional School Authority will be renovated and turned into a conference room equipped with computers and furniture. Subsequently, trainings of a combined total of 6,500 teachers will be carried out aimed at applying the competency-based-curriculum reform to the teaching process and at digital skills. The project will strategically build the knowledge and skills of teachers. Result 5: Ngalalya High School with an IT classroom and ready for school reform This result will be achieved by creating conditions for teaching IT courses through the establishment of a computer science classroom at the Ngalalya High School (partner institution) equipped with computers and furniture. Subsequently, IT course will be taught to 205 students. The establishment of an IT classroom and the subsequent IT courses is a pilot project of a local partner and the school administration, which aims to create an easily transferable model of computer science teaching for other schools in Machakos in cooperation with external donors. A manual will be developed to help schools as well as potential donors set up IT classrooms.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2022 1 000 000 € 360 000 €
2023 0 € 180 000 €
Total 1 000 000 € 540 000 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Upper Secondary Education 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Digitalization of primary and secondary schools and improving digital skills of teachers in Machakos County project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Digitalization of primary and secondary schools and improving digital skills of teachers in Machakos County 540 000 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio