Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

Social and economic inclusion in Tirana

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Albania
Implementing Organization ADRA - Adventistická agentúra pre pomoc a rozvoj - Občianske združenie
Implementing Organization Code Donor country-based NGO
Geo Location Tirana, AL
  Longitude 19.81889
  Latitude 41.3275
Start of Commitment 2023-07-31
End of Commitment 2025-02-28
Currency EUR
Status OECD reported


Deployment of volunteer focuses on the social and economic inclusion of vulnerable groups in Albania, with whom the host organization ADRA Albania has been working with for several years. These are mainly socially excluded Roma and the so-called Egyptian communities, returnees and refugees. The Roma and Egyptian communities are the poorest, socially limited by discrimination, they have low education and poor health. In a similar situation are refugees, or so-called returnees, i.e. often families who returned to Albania after a failed migration to western EU countries. These people have practically lost all ties in the country of their origin, they have no economic background, and their children are not able to join the education system due to the language barrier. Activities in the field of social inclusion of these groups consist mainly in counselling and assistance in accessing the system of state social support, in the form of training and workshops, where they learn the so-called soft skills that allow them to integrate into society. These include poverty alleviation interventions, prevention programs, strengthening functional literacy and livelihood skills. As far as the adult population is concerned, the activities are supporting their economic inclusion through activities aimed at facilitating access to the labor market, career guidance and vocational trainings. ADRA Albania also aims to support children's education through awareness-raising activities to prevent minors from leaving the school too early. ADRA Albania is implementing several projects in these areas. The volunteer will not focus exclusively on one area, but will actively participate in various areas of project management as well as field work in communities. ADRA Albania is also active in humanitarian aid and in development assistance with a country-wide reach. For the past 3 years, it has provided material and psychosocial support to vulnerable groups affected by the earthquake and also during the Covid-19 pandemic. During this period, ADRA hosted 2 foreign volunteers who also participated in these activities. Main goals of the project: Supporting the fulfilment of Albania's sustainable development goals Strengthening the capacities of the local organization in grant management, donor prospecting, fundraising opportunities Strengthening the long-term partnership between ADRA Slovakia and ADRA Albania and supporting the development cooperation between Albania and Slovakia Capacity building of Slovak citizens in the field of humanitarian aid and development cooperation Raising awareness of the Slovak public about the situation in Albania and about local vulnerable communities Increasing the visibility of Slovak Official Development Assistance in Albania and Slovakia Detailed description of the volunteer's activities At the project management level, the volunteer will be involved in the following activities: Preparation of project reports in various periodicity according to the requirements of specific projects. It includes assistance in writing a content report, collecting project evidence, processing and analyzing data Assistance to the program director in writing project applications, budgeting, logical framework matrices, etc. Preparation of texts, graphic materials for PR needs, management of the material on social media Building partnerships, searching for grant opportunities, fundraising Strengthening the internal capacities of the team by transferring / searching for transformational experiences and best practices from Slovakia and from the EU in common topics (inclusion of Roma, migrants) Accompanying the Program Director in formal and informal meetings with donors and partners, providing minutes and supporting communication Participation in weekly team meetings At the field work level, the volunteer will be involved in the following activities: Participation in monitoring visits in local communities

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2023 12 371 € 12 371 €
Total 12 371 € 12 371 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Social Protection 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Social and economic inclusion in Tirana project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Social and economic inclusion in Tirana 12 371 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio