Trends over time

Bilateral aid

Bilateral aid

Activities that are not subject to statutory information disclosure are not published on this website.

Selected filter criteria:
    Project title Funding entity OECD channel of delivery name Reporting year Amount extended More
    e-Course Public Finance Management Reform - Case Study Slovakia Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – technical co-operation and special funds (ODA-eligible countries only) 2017 244 756 € Fa search plus
    est student essay - ticket for GLOBSEC 2019 BRATISLAVA FORUM Slovak Aid NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOs) AND CIVIL SOCIETY 2019 6 550 € Fa search plus
    supporting renewable energy education at Kabul University Slovak Aid University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank 2020 39 990 € Fa search plus
    supporting renewable energy education at Kabul University Slovak Aid University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank 2021 8 969 € Fa search plus
    supporting renewable energy education at Kabul University Slovak Aid University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank 2019 49 988 € Fa search plus
    Škola Ushirika - Rozvojové fórum mladých Slovak Aid Donor country-based NGO 2013 135 € Fa search plus
    “Workshop on European Politics” - study visit in the Slovak Republic Slovak Aid Donor Government 2013 4 736 € Fa search plus
    „Improving the quality of life of citizens of Rezina: providing access to sewerage system“ Slovak Aid Donor country-based NGO 2021 148 650 € Fa search plus
    „Improving the quality of life of citizens of Rezina: providing access to sewerage system“ Slovak Aid Donor country-based NGO 2023 42 445 € Fa search plus
    „Nise Muhabetin“ (Start the Conversation) Slovak Aid Developing country-based NGO 2021 7 000 € Fa search plus
    „Nise Muhabetin“ (Start the Conversation) Slovak Aid Developing country-based NGO 2022 2 996 € Fa search plus
    „Ruka pomoci“ (BiH delegation study visit on migration) Slovak Aid PUBLIC SECTOR INSTITUTIONS 2021 6 435 € Fa search plus
    4032 records (page 336 of 336)

    Amount extended 2013 - 2023 (in thousands of EUR)

    Rok Amount extended
    2013 11 959 306 €
    2014 12 279 254 €
    2015 15 511 776 €
    2016 21 029 803 €
    2017 30 811 174 €
    2018 27 456 410 €
    2019 19 320 950 €
    2020 33 379 556 €
    2021 30 818 485 €
    2022 38 757 008 €
    2023 34 856 259 €