Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

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  • Support of processes leading to production increase of macadam nuts in quality and quantity for locak and international markets

Support of processes leading to production increase of macadam nuts in quality and quantity for locak and international markets

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Kenya
Implementing Organization Integra
Implementing Organization Code Donor country-based NGO
Geo Location Kisumu, KE
  Longitude 34.64
  Latitude -0.069
Start of Commitment 2016-11-14
End of Commitment 2018-09-30
Currency EUR
Status OECD approved


The main objective of the project is to promote the fair and sustainable development of the Republic of Kenya through agricultural interventions. The aim of the project is to support processes that will lead to a substantial increase in the production of macadamia nuts for the local and world markets. The project aims to increase both the volume and quality of this crop. The tool for achieving results will be financial investment in macadamia integrifolia seedlings of great quality and effective cultivation practices. By implementing these two key components contrtactor with its local partner will create a solid foundation for the future significant development of macadamia nut production. The actual impact of the project and its implemented activities will be clearly visible after the end of the project. The project has an investment character with a clearly foreseeable outcome, which is the fulfillment of the Kenyan potential for a significant increase in the production of macadamia nuts and thus the increase in the Kenyan economy. The project will create three nurseries of quality macadamia seedlings and will give access to healthy and quality seedlings to 10,000 growers and farmers. Breeders do not have sufficient knowledge of proper agricultural care for trees of this type and therefore part of the project is an ambition to train them in correct cultivation skills, techniques and practices, in accordance with Fair Trade and Organic criteria. Based on the training and auditing, the Fair Trade and Organic certificates will be awarded to the beneficiaries of the project. The possibility of introducing a quality agricultural certified crop on its own farms will be a permanent improvement in the income situation for 10,000 growers and their families. Macadamia nuts are a popular market product for the taste and variety of use - whether for direct consumption or further processing, such as macadamia oil, used in addition to the food industry and cosmetics.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2016 250 000 € 214 892 €
2018 0 € 34 661 €
Total 250 000 € 249 553 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Agricultural development 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Support of processes leading to production increase of macadam nuts in quality and quantity for locak and international markets project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Support of processes leading to production increase of macadam nuts in quality and quantity for locak and international markets 249 553 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio