Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

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  • Health care provision and nutritional support for internally displaced refugees in Dohuk province

Health care provision and nutritional support for internally displaced refugees in Dohuk province

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Iraq
Implementing Organization Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety
Implementing Organization Code University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank
Geo Location Dihok, IQ
  Longitude 43.25
  Latitude 37.0
Start of Commitment 2018-08-23
End of Commitment 2019-10-31
Currency EUR
Status OECD approved


The project proposal aims to improve health care conditions of internally displaced refugees in Iraq. The aim is to decrease morbidity and mortality of internally displaced refugees. The project is planned to take place in 2 locations – Dawoodia refugee camp (with more than 8,000 inhabitants) and 5 countryside locations in Dohuk Province (Sharya, Sina, Sheladze, Balqosh and Gersheen) as both of them struggle with access to health care, which will be significantly improved after the project implementation. The following results are expected: Result #1: Access to health care services in Dawoodia camp. Thanks to the implementation of the project at least 9,600 refugess will be provided access to health care services in the already existing health center located in the camp. Due to lack of financial resources and lack of personnel the health center could be used only in limited scope. More than 5,000 children (under the age of 5) are expected to be treated during the duration of the project. In addition, at least 800 pregnant women will be provided health care services and 900 children will be enrolled in the vaccination program. Medical doctor will be employed and the health center will be regularly supplied with necessary medical equipment according to the patients´needs Result #2: Access to health care services in Dohuk Province thanks to a mobile health center Currently countryside locations of Sharya, Sina, Sheladze, Balqosh and Gersheen have no access to health care services. The main reason is the lack of proper infrastructure and lack of health care professionals (medical doctors & nurses) as well as proper equipment. As a result of the project implementation a mobile health center will be created and at least 9,600 patients are expected to be treated during the duration of the project and a medical doctor is expected to be hired. Result #3: Improved nutrition for children in Dawoodia camp thanks to a antimalnutrition center There are approximatelz 1,500 children (under 5) in Dawoodia camp who are currently under threat of malnutrition. The project will ensure nutritional screeding for children as well as their subsequent treatment. In order to achieve the planned results the following acitivities are expected to take place: • Selection of medical doctor for a health center in Dawoodia camp • Operation of a health center in Dawoodia camp • Selection of medical doctor for the mobile health center • Operation of a mobile health center • Operation of an anti-malnutrition center in Dawoodia camp Implementation of the project will lead to better health care of internally displaced refugees. As a result, better access to health care services will have positive effect on their migration plans - many of them would be less willing to continue their migration to European countries once they are ensured access to quality health care services. In case of security threat project can be moved to a different location in Iraq where the submitting organization is also present with its activities.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2018 199 990 € 159 992 €
2019 0 € 39 998 €
Total 199 990 € 199 990 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Basic health care 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Health care provision and nutritional support for internally displaced refugees in Dohuk province project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Health care provision and nutritional support for internally displaced refugees in Dohuk province 199 990 €
Other filtered aid 1 202 227 568 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio